Quality audits can help identify quality shortfalls in your strategic supply chain relationships or free up valuable and often scarce in-house resources to focus on strategic supply chain management. Our approach is structured for flexibility and consistency, enabling us to execute a value-adding audit program. All our auditors are experts in various fields, providing innovative and quality solutions in areas of supply critical to your project’s success. Our solution provides support along the way, ensuring every audit we perform has a defined and clear technical, quality and business objective. Their close proximity to suppliers across the world is an added advantage, so emphasis may be placed on your first priority – the systems that create products that go into your supply chain. We work in many industries but our main expertise and experience is in the upstream and downstream sector of the oil and gas profession and is unparalleled. We achieve our goals by rapidly adapting to client’s proprietary procedure and working to industry standards, including, ISO 9001, QS 900, AS 9100 whichever suits the client’s requirement.
Supplier Quality Audits